When Life Gets Broken


Sometimes life is just hard.  No matter what you do, it just seems all wrong.  I do not feel good.  That is the plain and simple truth.  I try.  Every day I try to be positive.  To look on the bright side.  The truth is, sometimes this disease just seems to be more than I am able to take. I’m tired.  I just want to feel well again.  I want my life back.  I wonder  How did this happen?  When did this happen?  Where was I when life just suddenly got broken?


The truth is, I’m not sure there will ever be an answer to my question.  Some things just are.  We need to accept what life gives us.  And when life gets too hard to stand, we must get down on our knees.  We just need to give it up to God.  What else is there?  He will be there to guide us through.  That can be so difficult to do sometimes but sometimes when faced with circumstances we can not handle on our own, we have no choice but to just let them go.  We need to get a glimpse of Jesus knowing He is beside us every step of the way. He knows us better than anyone and knows exactly what we need.


Our God is a God of fresh starts. His mercy is new every morning!  I know I may never be the me I used to be and some days I don’t like to face that fact.  However, I do know that whoever I was and whoever I will be tomorrow is because of who Christ is in me.  I also know that He will always be there with me to help me start all over again…”When Life Gets Broken.”

About dansarc

If you enjoy reading about things that inspire you, things that make you giggle, enjoy uplifting music videos, love your pet and beautiful scenery then you have come to the right place. I have recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness and am trying to take one day at a time fitting that into my already crazy life. Come along on my journey as I relay what I have learned along the way. Some of it can be funny and some not so much. Grab a cup of coffee and get your readers on as we travel this road together. Be sure to press that "Like" button if you see something you enjoyed. I'd also love your feedback so feel free to leave me a comment. If you're having a good time and would like to join me again be sure to "Follow" me as well. I'd love to have you!!! I am a dedicated husband and father, diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and doing whatever it takes to get through each day with as much dignity as possible. I do not know what tomorrow brings but I do know who brings tomorrow. Strong faith and a love for Christ and my family is what gets me through each day with a smile on my face. One day, one hour, one minute at a time.....................
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