My Letter to an Angel –

                        LORIE  VINCENT – August 24, 1963 ~ September 3, 2015

As I gaze out into the warm summer night and feel the tender breeze upon my face, I am reminded that the twinkling stars above are not nearly as vibrant as the twinkle that I see as I look into your eyes. Eyes so deep. Black as ebony, yet so loving, soft and tender. In those eyes I see the reflection of the person who lives inside you. The kind, gentle loving spirit you are becomes so clear to me once again.

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As I continue to sit here basking in the moonlight, memories of our youth flood my mind. Such happy times, so young, so carefree. Nothing could touch us then. Our whole lives were ahead of us. Where did those days go? How is it that we have come to this day, this time? I am not ready for this to end, this adventure we share, this journey we call life.

I remember a day, a time where long pretty nails were buried deep into my flesh. Oh how I wanted to stick that fork I chased after you with deep into your flesh! I laugh now remembering such a time in our youth.


Then there was the time many years later I watched you lead our group of friends into a time of prayer and worship, a time of studying the Word of God. Oh how I wanted to be like you. So grounded, so mature, so steadfast in your walk with Christ. Tears fill my eyes now remembering such a time as this.


As more years passed I remember the day came for you to head off to college and leave our family and begin to make a new life for yourself. You probably never knew how sad I was to be losing my big sister. I was going to miss you so much but somehow I knew it would be OK. You had always been there for me and I would use what you taught me to be a better person. One day I’d go off to college myself and be just like you.


And then suddenly there you were. My beautiful sister, all dressed in white standing beside the man you chose to spend your life with. I’d never seen you look so happy. You had chosen well and I knew that from that day on you would forever be taken care of and loved the way you deserved to be loved. I admired you so. Always so level headed. You knew what you wanted and you did whatever it took to make your dreams come true.


It did not take long and you were a mother. I’ll never forget the way you loved your kids. There was nothing or no one who could ever tell you more wonderful things about them then you could ever say about them yourself. I knew someday I too would be a parent. I only hoped I could do half as good a job raising my sons as you did raising your kids. Is it any wonder that you would be just as wonderful a grandmother?  Your little granddaughters adore their “Mema” so much!


And now here you are today. All grown up, reaping the rewards of a life well lived. It has been more than a joy walking through the years of our youth together. It has been my greatest privilege sharing my life as an adult with you, my big sister, the one I have always looked up to, admired, emulated, loved and cherished.

Once again, as it was all those years ago when you began your journey to independence, I am saddened beyond comprehension to be losing my big sister. I’m going to miss you so much. How can I make it without you? You’re my sister, but more than that, you are one of my best friends. You have always been there for me……… helped me see things more clearly, calmed me down, built me up……..simply loved me.

I can  only, once again, take everything you have taught me and use it to be a better person, a better husband, a better father, a better son, a better brother, a better friend.


You will always and forever live in my heart. When I close my eyes I will see you…….feel you. When I gaze into the stars and feel the warm gentle breeze on my face I know you will be there with me. You have always been and always will be my angel in heaven and no words on earth could ever convey to you the love I have and always will have for you.


So go now my sweet sister, my angel in heaven. Be at rest. Be at peace. Listen to and embrace the words, “Well done my Good and Faithful servant.” Spread your wings and fly……………. straight into the arms of God.

About dansarc

If you enjoy reading about things that inspire you, things that make you giggle, enjoy uplifting music videos, love your pet and beautiful scenery then you have come to the right place. I have recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness and am trying to take one day at a time fitting that into my already crazy life. Come along on my journey as I relay what I have learned along the way. Some of it can be funny and some not so much. Grab a cup of coffee and get your readers on as we travel this road together. Be sure to press that "Like" button if you see something you enjoyed. I'd also love your feedback so feel free to leave me a comment. If you're having a good time and would like to join me again be sure to "Follow" me as well. I'd love to have you!!! I am a dedicated husband and father, diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and doing whatever it takes to get through each day with as much dignity as possible. I do not know what tomorrow brings but I do know who brings tomorrow. Strong faith and a love for Christ and my family is what gets me through each day with a smile on my face. One day, one hour, one minute at a time.....................
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15 Responses to My Letter to an Angel –

  1. O'Brien Gierach says:


    Liked by 2 people

  2. Valerie says:

    What a lovely tribute to an amazing person. I know you will miss her deeply.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Pauline Holsopple-Worman says:

    Sending my Love, Prayers & God’s Blessings to you, Mark,….& .Keith & Charlene. So sorry for your loss. Pauline Holsopple-Worman

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Diane ("DJ" Ridley) Karrick says:

    Such a beautiful tribute to such a beautiful person. I know you will miss her terribly. How fortunate you both were to share that amazing bond.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You brought tears to my eyes today as you spoke of the loss of your dear sister. Life here on earth is so fragile and I am so sorry to hear of your loss my friend. What a special and loving tribute you have written to her and for her. Hold on to your memories of those special times in life you had with with your wonderful sweet sister. I am praying for your comfort and healing day by day…..


    • dansarc says:

      Thank you so much Tony for your lovely comments. Your writings have inspired me greatly. I love your Blog. I have been very absent from my blog recently. Many things happening but I hope now to return as I reflect and ponder once again the wonders I have been shown. Most recently by the life my sister has lived. She is one of my best friends and greatest heros. Her death leaves such a empty spot in my heart that only her memories will be able to fill. Your prayers and kindness mean much to me!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. zen1970 says:

    Dan, such a beautiful tribute. I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve been praying for you and your family. Your sister was beautiful. Now she is an angel in Heaven. God Bless You and your family. Hugs to you my friend. Melissa 🙂


    • dansarc says:

      Oh Melissa,
      It has been so long. Too long. Even though we have never personally met, I believe God brought you into my life at just the right time. You have been such a light of encouragement to me. I think of you so often and whisper prayers for you and yours for God to richly bless the beautiful soul you are. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. Truly one of the most meaningful one’s I have written. My sister was an angel on earth to everyone who knew her and continues to be the brightest shining angel in heaven. She suffered a long battle with Leiomyosarcoma and to think of her once broken, battered, and scarred body dancing before the Lord now is what sustains me in this incredibly painful time. Also friends like you who take the time to comment means more to me than you can possibly know. Love and blessings to you my dear friend!

      Liked by 2 people

  7. zen1970 says:

    Dan. Your writing is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for your prayers. I have been praying for you and your family as well. I also believe God connects us with others who can help us in times of pain. He has a plan for each of us even though it can be hard at times it will all work out in His plan. Lorie is in Heaven with God and there is no pain, only love and happiness. An angel with angels. God Bless you my friend 🙂 You are such an amazing person.

    Liked by 1 person

    • dansarc says:

      It is always so great to receive your words of encouragement. You are such a bright light in my life. Knowing Lorie is worshiping at the throne of God and now free is what gets me through. Many blessings to you my dear sweet friend!

      Liked by 2 people

  8. So sorry for your loss Dan.

    Liked by 2 people

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