“For Unto Us a Child is Born…….”

The Christmas Metaphor


“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”


It seemed just like any other day to me today.  I woke up and felt the need to clean the house and get things in order.  I am a bit “OCD” and just function better in an environment when things are clean and orderly and yes  SOMETIMES I may take it to extremes. I’ve realized long ago the other members of my family do not understand this so I just automatically go into “clean up mode” with no one giving it a second thought especially during vacation times when we are all home together.


Today, however, in the middle of a sink full of dishes, as I looked out the window the realization hit me.  IT IS CHRISTMAS EVE DAY.  I walked into the living room and looked around.  Everywhere from the tree to the decorations, I was surrounded by signs of the season.  Today we celebrate the eve of our Savior’s birth!  It is NOT just an ordinary day after all.


Can you imagine what must have been going through the minds of Joseph and Mary all those years ago knowing that soon they would be giving birth to the Savior of the world? It is almost impossible to think of the responsibility that rested upon their shoulders.  And yet, they took it upon themselves listening to the voice of God and changed the world forever with the birth of their beloved Son!


As I continue to go about my business today getting my house in order, and later tonight with family as we exchange gifts and celebrate this wonderful Holiday, I will do it with a more heartfelt understanding that it is NOT about the gifts we receive or even about being together.  It is about the GREATEST GIFT we could have ever received.  It is about the birth of our Lord and Savior.  It is a time of reflection and thanksgiving , knowing that it was through His birth that we have all been set free from Sin and death as long as we receive the gift He has given.  It is time to celebrate the TRUE gift of Christmas. “For unto us a Child is Born!”

About dansarc

If you enjoy reading about things that inspire you, things that make you giggle, enjoy uplifting music videos, love your pet and beautiful scenery then you have come to the right place. I have recently been diagnosed with a chronic illness and am trying to take one day at a time fitting that into my already crazy life. Come along on my journey as I relay what I have learned along the way. Some of it can be funny and some not so much. Grab a cup of coffee and get your readers on as we travel this road together. Be sure to press that "Like" button if you see something you enjoyed. I'd also love your feedback so feel free to leave me a comment. If you're having a good time and would like to join me again be sure to "Follow" me as well. I'd love to have you!!! I am a dedicated husband and father, diagnosed with Sarcoidosis and doing whatever it takes to get through each day with as much dignity as possible. I do not know what tomorrow brings but I do know who brings tomorrow. Strong faith and a love for Christ and my family is what gets me through each day with a smile on my face. One day, one hour, one minute at a time.....................
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2 Responses to “For Unto Us a Child is Born…….”

  1. Virginia Flores says:

    I love you blog post!!! WOW! I have the same values as you! I love Christmas! Not for the gifts but because it is the Saviors birthday!!! It is such a great time to realize exactly what He did for us and to cherish it! You should check out a video on christmas.mormon.org !! It is a short 90 second video about the true meaning of Chirstmas! I would love to talk to you about it!

    I hope you had a Merry Christmas and hope you remember Christ every single day!!!


    • dansarc says:

      Hello Virginia. Thanks for viewing my post. God bless you and keep you this Christmas and every day. I have seen the video “The Gift.” if that is what you are referring to. It was beautiful! God bless you!


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